Poderi Colla, Bussia Dardi le Rose, Barolo 2017
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Poderi Colla

Podere Colla has been growing grapes in the Piedmont region since the 1700s, but it wouldn't be surprising if you haven't heard of them. Only having recently begun producing their own wines, their Patriarch Beppe Colla made wines at the Bonardi and Prunotto wineries from the 1950s through the 1990s--becoming an absolute legend in Piedmont.
Italy is perhaps the most unique major wine producing country, with hundreds of native varietals and a diverse range of growing areas due to its North to South orientation. As frustrating as it can be to try to learn about Italian wines they are so regionally independent that each major region almost feels like it’s own country. However the wines speak of place, and are intrinsically tied to the regional foods and specialties more so than really any other European country.
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